
With the improvement of people's living standard, everyone's diet life has undergone a qualitative change, and now people usually eat food than before the festival to eat the food to be rich. But the food is not eating well, eating nutritious on the health of the body, but should pay attention to good eating habits.

Now every family has TV, computer, iPad and other electronic products. Many people often watch TV and play games while having dinner. Don't think it's nothing. Be careful about looking for fat.

What are the dangers of watching TV while eating, and fat is only one of them1

What are the dangers of watching TV while eating?

The dangers of watching TV while eating

1. easy to gain weight

While watching TV, people concentrate their attention on the content of the TV. When the food is rich and delicious, it is easy to eat a lot of food unconsciously. Usually eat 5 points full, seven minutes full, watching TV when you eat, you may eat very full or twelve minutes full.

2. affect intestinal digestion

When people are eating, they need digestive juices and blood to help digestion and digestion. Watching TV while eating, the brain also needs a lot of blood. In this way, they vie with each other for the supply of blood. As a result, two areas can not get enough blood, they will eat bad food, but also can not see good television. For a long time, will happen dizziness, vertigo.

3. prone to swallow accidents

Many hospitals have received, because watching TV inadvertently swallowed foreign bodies into the abdomen, food stuck patients, and finally had to operate, spoon, chopsticks, etc. out of the gastrointestinal tract.

4. easy to affect appetite

Appetite, in addition to physiological factors, can cause appetite, external factors can also increase appetite through conditioned reflex. While eating and watching TV, people tend to rely mainly on television, ignoring the taste of food, so that the original appetite has been suppressed or disappeared by television, as time passes, there will be malnutrition.

Two, how can you help lose weight?

1. walk as much as possible. Don't sit there

The body always plays with you with a few tricks: the more you exercise, the more you want to sit down and rest. Don't get caught up in this little trick. Keep moving and try to reduce the amount of time you sit down. It helps you burn more fat. You can burn more than 100 calories a day for more than an hour a day.

What are the dangers of watching TV while eating, and fat is only one of them2

What are the dangers of watching TV while eating?

2. a glass of water early in the morning

After a night's rest, the food in the stomach has long been emptied. If you drink a glass of water at this time, you can help the body eliminate toxins. And early morning after getting up to drink a cup of water can stimulate the gastrointestinal peristalsis, moist intestinal tract, thereby helping to excrete, prevent constipation, help weight loss!

3. weekends need to be vigilant

Even a weekend dieters is difficult to resist the temptation, extra 420 calories. To be a weekend weight loss warrior, resist the temptation to eat food on smaller plates so that you can eat less.

4. protein first

For people who want to lose weight, eating more protein can produce satiety. Research has shown that proteins can cause glucagon to produce a satiety substance. At your lunch, if the right amount of tuna, this will effectively control your appetite.

5. adjust your daily routine

Summer leisure activity is frequent, it is easy to fall into sleep and eating bad habits; the amount of nocturnal plus reduce, make the body more susceptible to lipid accumulation. So try to keep your life routine and sleep adequate, avoid staying up late and overeating.


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