A woman of 30 appears to be very healthy, but in fact all the functions of the body linger between maturity and aging. If you are 30 years old is still desperately exhausted youth, the body will protest against you.

Nutritionists, psychologists, and therapists prepare the following tips for a more than 30 year old woman. You might as well try.

Tip 1: don't be so eager to get up

Wake up in the morning after the first supine, stretch the body and limbs, stretching back to the spine, leaving "wake up" time.

Tip two: exercise every day

Jump, squat squat stand around, waving waving arms etc.. Doing the best you can every day helps keep you in shape and improves your circulation.

Tip three: take the elevator less

Along the stairs every day more than 6 minutes, it can keep you in high spirit.

Tip four: pay attention to walking posture

Take a walk at home or in the park, walk around the chest, it is very effective to keep in shape. If you walk normally, you can consume twice as much heat as you do.

Tip five: relieve mental stress

Here are 3 simple rules to help you relieve your daily stress.

Breathing is smooth: when we are emotionally impulsive, we can't help holding our breath, which only aggravates stress.

Correct posture: mental stress can cause us to gradually bow and straighten up, as if lifting a pile of heavy weights from our shoulders.

Normative behavior: even if there is little hope, keep in mind that you can change the current bad situation and make it better.

Tip six: smile

Laugh do wonders to enhance the immune system, which can adjust the mood, but also can burn calories.

Tip seven: don't sit still

Do some simple gymnastics while watching tv. When working, do not call colleagues from other rooms, but walk in person.

Tip eight: get in touch with each other

Sociable people are half as likely to be ill as solitary people.

Tip nine: clean up the kitchen after dinner

Don't sit down or lie down after dinner. You can clean the table, wash the dishes first, and do some other work. In general, you should force yourself to exercise for 15 minutes after meals.


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