
During pregnancy, to safeguard oneself and foetus health, complement calcium became the one important task of pregnant mother, and of course complement calcium during pregnancy is the safest, so, pregnant woman complement calcium to eat what food is good? What food does pregnant woman lack calcium to fill? Get it.

What food does pregnant woman fill calcium to eat good


Recommend: kelp, shrimp skin and so on

Almost all seafood is rich in calcium. Generally pregnant women want to supplement calcium safely. Seaweed and shrimp skins are the food with the highest calcium content, especially shrimp skins.

Sesame paste

Recommended: white tahini sauce, black tahini sauce

Sesame paste is rich in protein, fat and a variety of vitamins and minerals, has a high nutritional value, and which also a lot of calcium, iron, calcium food is very good, general with white sesame paste is preferred, nourishing qi with black sesame paste is preferred, what need reminds is the sesame paste calories, fat content is higher, so is unfavorable eat eat 10 grams a day or so.

Dairy products

Recommended: milk, yogurt, etc

Dairy products are rich in calcium, is very good for pregnant mothers foods rich in calcium, with milk, is the best source of calcium in human body, but the proportion of calcium phosphate is very appropriate, is conducive to the absorption of calcium, and rich in protein, can not only meet the demand of calcium during pregnancy part, also can help have a good night's sleep quality during pregnancy.

Soy products

Recommend: soy milk, tofu, beancurd, etc

Beans processed into tofu, soy milk, bean curd and other foods, not only the content of plant protein, but also more conducive to digestion and absorption, and soy products also contain calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals needed by the human body, such as vitamin Bl, B2 and cellulose, is also a very nutritious food.

Pregnant women calcium supplements menu recommended

Laver bean curd lean meat soup

Half seaweed, half dried shrimps, one piece of tofu, two pieces of lean pork, one piece of ginger, two roots of scallion, half a tablespoon light soy sauce, half a teaspoon raw powder, half a teaspoon oil, some sugar and salt. Laver soak well, soak dried shrimps, mince pork, marinate and remove. Add in the pan, add the pork and stir-fry until done. Remove and add in the remaining oil. Stir in the shrimps and ginger.

Seaweed is rich in choline, calcium, iron, iodine and other nutrients, which is conducive to improving memory, treating female anemia, promoting the growth of bones and teeth and health care. Tofu and dried shrimps also contain more calcium, and can also supplement protein

Spinach egg soup

One jin of spinach, two eggs, scallion and a little salt. Spinach first through the boiling water to remove oxalic acid, and then fish out, eggs add a small amount of salt to disperse, after the pot water, add spinach to cook until almost to the time to 67 minutes cooked, and then slowly pour in the eggs, and then put the remaining seasoning in order.

Spinach is rich in calcium, and spinach is rich in folic acid. For every 100g of spinach, folic acid content is up to 50mg, which is not only a kind of vegetable with good calcium supplementation effect, but also beneficial to the prevention and treatment of anemia and the promotion and protection of normal development of fetus. Egg brain health and intelligence, added quality protein, and so on.

Tomato, egg and shrimp skin soup

Tomato, eggs, 1 tomato, 2 eggs, 1 spring onion, 25 to 50 g shrimp skin, tomato wash and cut, onion slice, egg whisk.

The nutrition value of shrimp skin is very high, contain calcium, protein and other nutrition, much higher than shrimp, beef, pork, chicken, etc., tomato is very rich in vitamin C, can promote calcium, iron protein and other nutrition absorption.

Soya bean ribs soup

250 in pork ribs, 100g soy beans, 3g scallions, right amount of refined salt. Soak soy beans in warm water for more than 5 hours, then rinse, chop pork chops into small pieces, put the ingredients together in a pot, add water, cover and bring to a boil, then cook over low heat for 3 hours to taste.

Function: soya bean contains a large number of calcium elements, is one of the pregnant women calcium supplements, and soya bean and ribs contain more protein, contains a variety of human essential amino acids, can improve human immunity, promote fetal health development.


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