Constipation in pregnant women

Sallyxu: eating apples, apples, both laxative and can stop diarrhea, there are two roles, doctors and nutritionists have said. Get up in the morning, drink a large glass of water, eat apples during the day, eat more celery, 1 hours before going to bed, drink 1-2 cups of yogurt. Now a large number of fruit on the market, you can also eat more peaches, because it and celery as fiber, help digestion. Apples, celery, peaches, watermelons and grapes are good for you. Eat some cherry tomatoes, and the baby's skin is white. My mommy: fasting drink honey water moon mother: try to drink a bottle of yogurt every day. Oqq: constipation in pregnant women is caused by progesterone. More exercise, more yogurt and oatmeal is also helpful. Sugus: yogurt? Good. How much exercise? Ah. You guys don't know. I am very afraid of the heat. The weather is so hot now. Too early in the morning to rise again. What else can I do? Consult。

Dew xiaofeng:

I eat bananas, get up early fasting, eat one or two, very effective, but your stomach no problem.

Banker baby:

I heard a very good not to eat a banana and wave basket child gastrointestinal will be pregnant, do not know is not true?

Shuang lu:

Shuang lu:

Eat oats every day. I've seen a good network before someone introduced it. Ocean: seaweed soup can improve constipation, and seaweed, shrimp soup nutritious Oh! New mom: I was constipated, pregnant more serious. You can try to get up in the morning empty stomach, drink a large cup of soybean milk with honey, pay attention to soybean milk, not too hot, after a while there will be Italy, the effect is good.


Seaweed soup can improve constipation, and seaweed, shrimp soup nutritious Oh!

New mama:

I was constipated and got pregnant more serious. You can try to get up in the morning empty stomach, drink a large cup of soybean milk with honey, pay attention to soybean milk, not too hot, after a while there will be Italy, the effect is good.

Through the above mothers or expectant mothers about constipation in pregnant women after discussion, I hope to help you

Constipation in pregnant women


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