What is the most nutritious breakfast? The breakfast cookbook is announced for you. As the saying goes, breakfast is good, lunch is full, dinner is small, so breakfast is the most important meal. Time is best. Medical research has shown that 7 to 8 is best for breakfast, because the appetite is strongest.

Breakfast is best served with cold vegetables, vegetable salad, fruit salad, etc.. In this way, vitamin can be fully supplied. If one day you really have no time to take care of breakfast, empty stomach out of the house, you do not indulge his stomach, by beverages, cookies, chocolate, hot dogs and other junk food invasion. Emergency also choose healthy fast food.

You can make a small drawer in his desk, instant fortified cereals, dried apricots, raisins, banana slices seaweed, dried sweet potato and other healthy foods at any time to act as the role of emergency. It would be nice to have a box of low fat or pure fruit juice wrapped in a fresh package, and of course, it would be nice to bring a fruit from home. To lose weight, you also need nutrition. If you have a better breakfast menu, share it. Nutritious breakfast recipes

(a) minced meat porridge, Baozi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste, celery and tofu. Minced meat porridge: rice. Rice. Minced spinach. Carrots. Baozi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste: red bean flour. Fruit. Lard. Celery: Celery tofu. Tofu silk Jiao white silk. Letinous edodes.

(two) oatmeal, vegetables, meat packets, assorted pickles. Oatmeal: oatmeal, ham, silk, carrot and coriander. Cairou package: flour. Meat. Pickled cabbage tofu. Letinous edodes. Assorted pickles: Chinese cabbage, pickled mustard tuber, cucumber, chili, etc..

(three) Heizao porridge, steamed meat, lettuce shoots Dried tofu. Diospyros lotus porridge: rice. Rice. Ma walnut bud dates. Meat dumplings: flour, minced meat. Bamboo shoots. Letinous edodes. Lettuce: lettuce bamboo shoots. Dried tofu tofu carrot. Letinous edodes.

(four) preserved egg porridge, jam, pickled meat. Preserved egg porridge: rice. Rice. Preserved egg celery. Ham. Jam Pack: flour, jam, walnuts, milk. Shelley: minced potherb mustard. Minced meat. Potatoes carrots.

(five) vegetable meat wonton, gingko cake and quail egg. Pork and Vegetable Wonton Soup: flour. Minced meat. Pickled cabbage. Letinous edodes ginger. Ginkgo cake: rice. Rice. Ginkgo walnut. Raisins. Quail egg: quail egg, green bean sprout and green pepper silk.

(six) milk fruit soup, fresh meat from beef and potatoes, ding. Milk soup: milk. Apples. Oranges. Raisins. Meat from glutinous rice green juice. Minced meat. Letinous edodes. Bamboo shoots ham at the end.

Breakfast is high calorie, after eating, the speed of burning fat will be reduced, and then with a low calorie lunch and dinner, fat is not easy to hoard. But do not eat breakfast or eat too simple, cannot provide enough calories and nutrients, the spirit will be relatively poor; wait until the afternoon, dinner time, fat consumption ability becomes poor, but eating high calorie food, the result is eating into heat than consume more calories, of course easy fat.

Third breakfast recipes are: small wonton bowl, spiced tea egg one. The staple food of choice of oatmeal or corn flakes in grain based food, because they contain protein, vitamins and minerals amount, followed by the selection of food rich in cellulose. So as to achieve the "main and complementary, dry thin balance, meat collocation".

In addition, there are also a few home breakfast also sent:

With a Huajuan with Sesame Paste: brown sugar, soy milk, spiced quail egg, Qing mix lettuce leaves, Babao sauce pickles.

Case two: gold and silver rolls, milk, anchovies (or fermented black bean fish, or Spiced Smoked Fish, Crispy Crucian Carp), two (salt mix carrots, bean sprouts, pickled tofu). Case three: Steamed Buns, Boiled Egg, cake, milk, fresh onions and coriander Dried tofu, pickled cabbage.

Example four: red dates with sesame cake Topaz Rice noodles, rice porridge, Salted Duck Egg, stir wok pepper, spicy pickles. Case five: Baozi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste, Western Fried Eggs (egg, milk, onion, mushrooms, ham sausage at the end of the end), fried dried small shrimps (shrimp, coriander, onion, cucumber Ding). Human brain and nerve cell movement must rely on sugar to provide energy, and breakfast is provided by the heat accounted for 30% of the total heat, and therefore should eat some starchy foods, such as bread, bread, porridge and so on. Protein food: the body to maintain energy, breakfast will eat a certain amount of protein. Therefore, there should be a breakfast egg, dried meat floss, soy products such as food.

Five attentions to science breakfast

Time is best. Medical research has shown that 7 to 8 is best for breakfast, because the appetite is strongest. Breakfast and lunch are served at intervals of 4 to 5 hours. If breakfast is early, then the quantity should be increased accordingly or the lunch will be accordingly advanced.

Before breakfast, you should drink water first. After a night's sleep, you consume a lot of water and nutrients from urine, skin and breathing. After getting up, you are in a state of physiological water shortage. If you only eat regular breakfast, you can not supplement physiological water shortage. Therefore, the morning not to rush to eat breakfast, and should drink 500 to 800 ml boiling water, can complement the need of physical water scarcity, and washing effect on the human body organs, so as to improve organ function, prevent the happening of the disease.

• heat supply should be appropriate, breakfast recipes in a variety of nutrients, generally should account for about 30% of the total supply of the day. Among them, in the middle of the meal may be insufficient supply of nutrients, such as energy, vitamin B1 and so on, breakfast should be increased in moderation. And so that the thickness of collocation, meat collocation, make 8 kinds of essential amino acids in food proteins composition is more balanced, complementary nutrition.

The cooking should pay attention not only to consider the physical characteristics of individuality, but also consider the interests and tastes of everyone's appetite and hobbies, preferably hot hot oatmeal, Rice porridge, Hot Milk, Soybean Milk, Iced Coffee, Black Tea do not drink ice, ice milk, fried food to eat.

The pH of food can be neglected many people used to eat breakfast, fried food, Soybean Milk Steamed Buns. Some people also eat eggs, meat, milk. Although these foods are rich in carbohydrates and protein, fat, but are acidic foods, acidic foods in the diet, if excessive, easily lead to acidic blood, causing acid-base balance in vivo physiological disorders, often appear calcium deficiency. Therefore, if you can eat vegetables containing alkaline substances, fruits, you can achieve acid-base balance of diet and nutrients balance.


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