
Pumpkin has been introduced into China for a long time, and has been widely cultivated, both as a dish and food substitute, food value is also very high, many doctors or nutrition experts first recommended health food!

1. Promote growth and development

Pumpkin is rich in zinc, which is involved in the synthesis of nucleic acid protein in human body and is an inherent component of adrenal cortical quality. Children who are short of zinc may be anorexic or partial to food, resulting in lack of nutrition in the body, resulting in stunted development of children.

Beauty and anti-aging

Pumpkins contain many amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It can prevent rough skin, delay skin aging, accelerate skin cell repair and enhance skin elasticity. Can be used as a woman beauty long food.

3. Cancer prevention

Pumpkin contains beta carotene, lycopene (carotene and lycopene are powerful antioxidants), which are known to help prevent breast, ovarian and prostate cancer in men. In addition, pumpkin is rich in zinc, which can also eliminate ammonium nitrite mutations and inhibit cell carcinogenesis.

Prevent hypertension

Eating pumpkin raw or steamed to half cooked food is more beneficial to patients with common hypertension or pregnant women with hypertensive pregnancy. Medical studies in recent years have shown that pumpkin can significantly reduce serum cholesterol and triglycerides, which can prevent thrombosis and oxidation.

5. Prevention and treatment of diabetes

Pumpkin has a sweet taste and contains between 3% and 15% sugar (which is related to the maturity of the pumpkin. The more ripe the pumpkin, the higher the sugar content). It turns out that pumpkin polysaccharide is an active component of hypoglycemic, which has the effect of lowering blood sugar.

6. Detoxification of heavy metal

Pumpkin contains pectin, which is highly absorbent and can help absorb heavy metal lead, mercury and radioactive elements in the body. It can achieve the effect of detoxification and detoxification.

7. Protect the gastric mucosa

In addition to helping to expel heavy metals from the body, the pectin inside the pumpkin helps protect the stomach's mucosa from rough food and promotes healing. Pumpkin can also promote bile secretion, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote digestion and absorption of the intestines and stomach, and prevent constipation, remove fecal accumulation, very suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems.

8. Treat chronic cough and asthma

Pumpkin body is treasure, pumpkin vine minus head, inserted into the bottle, the juice of another vine flow into the bottle, collect a certain amount of time, with warm water, can treat long cough do not heal. Steamed pumpkin with honey, long-term use, can treat asthma.

9. Prevention of stroke

Flavonoids and lycopene in cucumbers can trap oxygen free radicals and have positive effects on preventing vascular stenosis and blood clots from blocking cerebral vessels. The components of pumpkin linseed oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and other glyceric acid, are good oil, can prevent stroke.

    Health food

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