
We all know that for people who lose weight, they can't drink any beverages before going to bed, but some nutrients can actually help you build muscle, improve blood sugar stability, and burn fat.

    1, grape juice

It is not recommended to drink juice too often before going to bed, but a small cup of 100% grape juice before going to bed can help you sleep and burn fat. Studies published by Cell Reports show that insulin secretion occurs at night (drinking juice). The body's circadian rhythm can be adjusted. The 2015 International Journal of Obesity found that the grape's antioxidant, resveratrol, converts white calories stored in calories into brown fat that burns calories.

    2, chamomile tea

Hot Chamomile Tea relaxes your nerves, induces sleep, and acts as a mild sedative. Chamomile is associated with improved glycemic control and weight loss, but make sure that any tea you drink before bed is free of caffeine and away from it. Detox tea.

    3, soy protein drinks

Soy (either in milk or in protein powder form) can induce melatonin to improve sleep quality, and tryptophan also lowers cortisol levels to help fight belly fat.

    4, milk

Thanks to healthy tryptophan and calcium, a cup of milk before going to bed (cold and cold) can help you sleep better, which means you can get more spirited when you get up the next day, and the casein of milk is slowly digested, according to According to the Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise study, this can help you build muscle during sleep, and faster metabolism can make weight loss more effective.

    5, fermented milk drink

Kefir is a fermented milk drink that is rich in probiotics that can add healthy bacteria to your intestines, promote proper digestion, and help you absorb vitamins and minerals more efficiently. The British Journal of Sports Medicine also studies It is said that yogurt drinks can not only improve sleep, but also make sports more effective.


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