
Milk is rich in calcium, protein, vitamins and other nutrients, is a kind of natural food that is easy to digest and absorb. Nowadays, more and more people like to drink milk, and milk has become an important nutritious food in people's life.

But milk is good, but better is seldom known. Studies have found that the time of drinking milk is different, and its nutritional value is also very different. Many people do not know when to drink milk is best, so it is likely to lead to milk nutrients in vain, and may even affect human health.

Mistake 1: milk and eggs is the best breakfast

Many people think that the nutritional value of milk and eggs are very high, and if you eat a breakfast like this, it must be full of vitality in the morning.

The opposite is true. The protein content of the two is higher, strong sense of satiety, after eating, often can not eat anything else. In this way, you will be sleepy straws in the morning, because the body lacks people work, required to study glucose, it is to let people keep power sober, refreshing, starchy foods (such as bread, biscuits, snacks, Steamed Buns etc.) and fruit can provide glucose for human body. So, it's better to separate the milk and eggs.

Milk, bread, fruits and vegetables or eggs, oatmeal and fruits and vegetables are good breakfast mix.

Mistake 2: add some sugar to promote digestion

With or without sugar, the milk has little to do with digestion, mainly to improve the taste. If you feel too fishy milk, according to every 100 ml of milk 5 - 8 grams of sugar sugar can also be appropriate to add some principles, add chocolate powder, coffee and honey to taste, but don't add too much, otherwise it will eat too many calories.

Don't make the baby's milk too sweet, which will stimulate the child's taste buds, so that he grew up fond of sweets bad habits.

Error 3: milk doesn't mix with fruit juice

Many people think that milk and orange juice, lemon juice collocation, can lead to protein denaturation, is drinking "kills". Indeed, if the milk blended juice of this kind of high acid juice, condensed protein will produce floc, protein denaturation occurs, but the degeneration of human basically no harm, only a few people can cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

But this blend of drinks taste bad, and very few people will drink it. As long as there is a small amount of time, while drinking milk, drinking fruit juice, or eating fruit, for most people there is no problem, but also to make nutrition more balanced.

Error 4: take the medicine with milk

Some people think it's good to take medicine with something nutritious, so it's wrong to take it with milk. With milk medication, calcium and magnesium in the milk and other mineral ions will react with drugs, easy to form a covering film on the surface of the drug, which not only reduces the efficacy, but also may cause harm to the body.

Drug experts pointed out that the treatment of dry stool should not be taken with the milk, otherwise it will cause vomiting and other discomfort; cold medicine is not suitable for the same service with milk, otherwise it will reduce the efficacy. So, the drug should not use milk pills, medication before and after the 1 - 2 hours is best not to drink milk.

Mistake 5: drink milk on an empty stomach

Many people have the habit of fasting milk, this is not good. When the fasting gastric juice concentration is too high, the milk, the milk protein in the stomach will clot, will affect protein digestion and absorption, but also cause stomach discomfort. So, the best meal to drink milk, or eat some starchy foods in milk, in order to promote the digestion and absorption of milk.

Some people because of "lactose intolerance", drink milk after abdominal distension, diarrhea, this kind of person not fasting drink milk, drinking yogurt or added low lactose milk lactase.

Error 6: bedtime drink milk to help sleep

There is still some debate about the timing of drinking milk. Japanese nutrition experts point out that casein contained in milk can be produced by breaking down the elements that inhibit nerve excitability and promote sleep.

In addition, the tryptophan contained in milk also has the effect of mental stability. Accordingly, it is believed that milk can promote sleep, but the content of these substances in ordinary milk is very small, so it is still necessary to study whether milk promotes sleep.

The milk time should be according to their own circumstances. You can drink milk at night, but you don't have to drink before going to bed. You'd better drink it 1 or 1.5 hours before bedtime. Generally speaking, it's better to drink milk from 5 in the afternoon to 8 in the evening.

Error 7: help calcium milk before going to bed

Some people say that the milk before going to bed can compensate for low blood calcium status at night, so as to protect the bones, promote the absorption of calcium. In this regard, the Japanese nutrition experts said that milk does have some calcium effect, because it contains bovine milk protein and lactose components to facilitate the absorption of calcium. Compared with dried fish, vegetables and so on, the absorption rate of calcium in milk is the highest, reaching 40%.

But in the milk before going to bed, would increase the night on the toilet, chances will increase the digestive burden, but may not conducive to sleep.

Diabetes is not the best milk before going to bed, because this will affect the blood glucose, blood lipid in different degrees, the weight will also be difficult to control.

Error 8: the more concentrated, the more nutritious

Many people believe that the stronger the milk, the more nutrition the body gets, which is unscientific.

The so-called "thick milk", because some parents in powdered formula milk powder when put a small amount of water, the water rushed out of the milk to make less, some high concentrations of nutrients; others refers to some brands of milk taste "strong", this is actually the business in milk artificially added flavor, thickener and stabilizer and other additives, the milk tastes very fragrant.

The correct approach is, formula, water powder ratio strictly in the brewing, parents do not have to deliberately add milk, otherwise it will make the lactose content exceed the standard, increase the child kidney burden; the concentration of fresh milk will not make people feel too sticky, consumers do not have the blind pursuit of a thick creamy taste.

Mistake 9: take milk as water

Many people have such a mistaken impression that foreigners drink milk as water, so they are in good health. In fact, milk is a good thing, but also to control the amount. Although milk contains about 70% moisture, but it can not replace water.

Whole milk contains approximately 3% animal fat is bad fat, saturated fatty acid and contains half of them, it is regarded as the main component in arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, thrombotic stroke, breast cancer, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer.

Therefore, milk can not drink too much, it is recommended that adults over 3 years of age drink 200 - 300ml (a cup or so). If you want to add more dairy products, you can drink a small cup (100ml - 150ml) yogurt, but the total intake of dairy products per day can not exceed 500ml.

Error 10: packaging milk boiling heating

Refrigerate the milk in the refrigerator and boil it. It won't cause diarrhea and can be sterilized. But in fact, fresh milk must be boiled to disinfect, but the milk sold on the market has been processed by the disinfection of products, there is no need to boil again sterilization.

What's more, boiling to the boil will destroy vitamins and active substances in milk and reduce the nutritional value.

Nutrition experts pointed out that the best temperature to drink milk should be about the same temperature, so that it will not stimulate the stomach, but also easy to absorb. Not to drink cold milk can cause stomach upset and can be heated slightly. Microwave heating is more convenient, but attention should be paid not to use plastic bags directly heating, use glass containers heating.


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