
Soft shelled turtle is one of the most popular aquatic products in these years. Because of its meat quality, it has the taste of five kinds of animal meat, such as chicken, deer, ox, sheep and pig, so it has the name "gourmet five meat". As a result of the turtle flavor, the tonic effect of the United States and Canada is very good, and it is very popular with you all.

The turtle body is edible, especially the "Calipash" part is extremely delicious. Then how could the turtle be slaughtered? How to do the most nutritious and healthy? Hurry up and Xiaobian together to learn about it.

What does the method of soft shelled turtle have, how can turtle remove odour?1

I. The method of killing turtle and the method of removing fishy

1., the turtle slaughter process is: slaughter, scald skin, open shell, take offal, boil, wash.

Turtle Yang put, to head out with your fingers, quickly grabbed his neck, pulled the head, accurately will head off; pull a head, right hand holding a knife cut off the turtle's trachea and blood vessels, blood.

When the blood is exhausted, put into the hot water of 70 ~ 80 degrees Celsius, about three or four minutes hot, take out, and then from the sides of the turtle skirt on both sides of the bone seam to cut open, the lid off, remove the viscera, wash with water. Add boiling water Luezhu, remove blood, remove the wash with cold water.

2. turtle meat odor is difficult to remove by washing, or add onions, ginger, wine and other spices, can not achieve satisfactory results; in the turtle culled, pick out the gallbladder, viscera removed from turtle bile to turtle turtle bile after washing, add some water, smear on the turtle body; wait a moment, rinse with clean water, turtle bile is not bitter, do not worry about making a fish bitter.

Two, turtle how to do?

(1) rock candy turtle;

Material: Red turtle 750 grams, 30 grams of soy sauce, scallion 1, sugar 75 grams, ginger 3, lard 65 grams, 25 grams of Shaoxing wine, peanut oil 35 grams, 2 grams of salt


1. turtle open belly boneless dirty, chopping off the head and tail, the claw tip, and then evenly cut into 8 pieces, into the pot boiled water, remove the 2. heat wok, with slick pan, add peanut oil, till the 80% heat, add onion knot, ginger saute, into the turtle block (belly down), cooking the lid slightly simmered Jia Shao liquor, adding 750 grams of water, boil for 3 minutes, switch to a small fire cover and braise for 25 minutes or so.

3., when the soft and flexible fish pieces, add rock sugar, cooked lard (35 grams), and then stamped stew for about 20 minutes.

3. braised fish and soft waxy skirts to, then to stir the sauce, a side pot rocking scooped up the gravy poured on the fish block, to be sticky thick gravy, pour lard (25 grams), and then in and shake the pot so Qian oil mix to pour into the gravy was jelly, lard (5 grams), shake the pot into.

(two) braised turtle

Material: 1, the amount of bamboo shoots, turtle, chicken little onion, ginger, garlic, soy sauce, soy sauce, sugar, chili oil, pepper amount

What does the method of soft shelled turtle have, how can turtle remove odour?2


1. slice onion and ginger, garlic peeled, spare. Blanch spare diced bamboo shoots.

2. pork cut into small pieces. Take the net pot add water, cooking wine, ginger, onion pork to cook for 20 minutes remove and drain backup.

3. to handle the turtle chop into pieces after boiled water reserve.

4. put a small amount of oil pan, under the Cong Jiangsuan incense, under the pork stir fry until the meat surface yellowish.

5. turtle blocks stir to dry water, cooking wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, sugar, stir well.

6., add water, water, not as good as turtle. When the fire is done, remove the foam and cook for about 10 minutes.

(three) stewed turtle with black bone chicken

Ingredients: 500 grams of soft shelled turtle, 1000 grams of black bone chicken, 20 grams of salt, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate, 2 grams of pepper, 25 grams of cooking wine, 25 grams of ginger and 25 grams of scallion


1. soft shelled turtles slaughtered, cleaned, and then wash with boiling water boiled water.

2. chicken slaughter into pieces with boiling water, Billy to bloody.

3. wash pot mix soup, add chicken, turtle, salt, pepper, ginger, onions, cooking wine, with small fire simmer until the chicken and turtle soft texture.

(four) Roasted Goose turtle stew

Materials: one turtle, Roasted Goose, bamboo shoots, letinous edodes, the amount of salt, scallion, ginger, pepper, chicken.


1. turtles slaughtered chop block boiled water wash, Roasted Goose also hacked to pieces.

2. onions shop in the casserole, the Roasted Goose shop in the above, plus the amount of water, the fire opened. When you smell, place the turtle and ingredients in it.

3. braised with a small fire until the soft shelled turtle crisp, add spices, tune the flavor, you can eat.


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