Before introducing the practice of longan, Chinese dates and medlar tea, we first have a look at the various functions and effects of these materials. Red dates and longan are the best products for invigorating blood and invigorating qi. Wolfberry can nourish the liver and kidney, eyesight, lungs, anti-aging. Boiled longan, red dates tea, add a little wolfberry, can increase the sweet taste and nutrition, modern scientific proof, wolfberry for the protection of the liver, enhance hematopoietic function, improve immunity, anti-cancer, strong uterine help. Dried longan (longan stem) can protect eyes, the computer family, dry eyes and other patients, drink every day can improve eyesight. Email even said, longan tea helps to reduce the degree of myopia, with dried longan, red dates and medlar soaked in water to drink when tea every day, after 8 months can be 200 degrees to 1000 degrees of myopia.

Longan, jujube, medlar, tea practice


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Although some OL career women seem to work more easily, let alone, in fact, these OL work pressure is really big, but on the surface is not visible (because it is not physical workers). These are often for work, and sometimes they don't even have time to eat, or just a bowl of instant noodles or a quick meal. People are iron, rice is steel, if the diet is not prepared, how can you work well? The women's health network collects a healthy diet for OL working women. Let's have a look!

Iron meat


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What dishes do you eat in winter? Winter is here, many people like to stay in the house, at this time, when eating can not help but get up, and many people may want to know, what is good to eat in winter? Consider what food to eat in winter, not only to consider whether delicious, but also to consider whether it is beneficial to health Oh. Below the female health net, you introduce the winter suitable food, lets you no longer regret what food to eat in winter.

Radish mutton soup


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We often say that the eyes are the window of the heart, and that the eyes are also visceral mirrors, and that the eye fails is the sign of the internal organs, especially the liver, kidneys, decay and aging. People at a certain age, eyes will easily fatigue, and sometimes feel pain, eyes open, vision decline.

If your eyes often have these small problems, such as edema, dryness, and even inflammation, you must pay attention to eye care. Today, the women's health network Xiaobian provide you with a day care for the nutrition of the meal, eat beautiful, eat bright.


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Remember two days ago, WeChat has a small group of friends on a diet lead to health hazards -- a woman in Liuzhou seven years ago to eat eel iced Gnathostoma drill body, body swelling and pain, both at home and abroad have not found specific drugs.

After reading this news, the first one was always sold out "not sick wisdom in my mind this book, at that time I also bought a book, written above is some of the health care and disease self treatment method.


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With the improvement of living standards, people's work is becoming more and more busy. Busy work has made some people develop the habit of "night owl". To stay up late is bad is if it is non All the world knows., to stay up late, so for the sake of your health, please do not have in your diet above "Kung fu". Chinese medicine believes that eating on the fruit can help regulate the body, in order to improve the physical impact of staying up late. Today, women's health nets Xiaobian recommend several suitable for stay up late after eating fruit.



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How to make delicious boiled shrimp? In fact, a shrimp approach has many kinds, but is all the same. Women's health network this paper will introduce the practice of boiled shrimp Daquan love eat shrimp for you, let you every day new taste. I do not know since when, rice fell in love with seafood sauce. The sweet and delicious taste of the idle food can best reveal the gentle and intellectual side of food. Too strong for the weak in soy sauce soy sauce jerky, heavy and mellow mellow sweet. The sun is like a gentle woman, adorable. When the dishes are cooked, sprinkle with scallion and Shanghai fresh soy sauce. Taste the flavor of the food from the simplest flavor. When the seafood sauce and Japanese wasabi together, when gentle encounter rebellious, two different flavor combination new taste, very suitable for fresh and wild shrimp. In fact, the same people, different personalities of people tend to become friends with complete mutual understanding.

Shrimp 1


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The new season means that you need to start with new clothes, but there are too many different styles, colors and materials in the market. They are always dazzling when you buy them.

The temperature in summer is high, so the clothes you buy are more practical, besides beautiful, they are cool to wear! Among the many fabrics, which fabrics are more comfortable to wear? Hurry up and Xiaobian together to understand it.


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The heat of summer makes a lot of people to go away, rather than lying at home will not blow air conditioning in outdoor walk a few steps. But for people who need to cook regularly in the kitchen, sweating is common.

The cooking is very heavy, when cooking heat rushed to the face will make the sweat runs down like raindrops. If installed in the kitchen air conditioning, air conditioning cleaning this work but. So how do you make it less difficult to cook in the kitchen?


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Teeth are the chewing tools in our mouths, and they are also important benchmarks for our personal image. When we smile, always showed his teeth, white teeth clean and often give people a good impression, and an uneven or yellow teeth let people away.

Generally clean and healthy teeth are yellowish and translucent, and when the teeth are affected by a number of external factors, they become yellow. Next, take a look at the cause of the yellowing of your teeth!


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