Pumpkin has been introduced into China for a long time, and has been widely cultivated, both as a dish and food substitute, food value is also very high, many doctors or nutrition experts first recommended health food!


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As the saying goes: "spring sleepy fall short summer napping", the weather turns cool, but at the same time, the body becomes more and more tired, autumn sleepy will also become a major annoyance to people. In fact, do not worry, food can be very good to eliminate the lack of autumn.


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During pregnancy, to safeguard oneself and foetus health, complement calcium became the one important task of pregnant mother, and of course complement calcium during pregnancy is the safest, so, pregnant woman complement calcium to eat what food is good? What food does pregnant woman lack calcium to fill? Get it.

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In recent years, the publishing house has produced many "zero-failure" cooking books. In addition to the simple method of practice, the other main focus is "universal sauce". Without any cooking skills, it takes only one or two steps to succeed. The rate is guaranteed to be 100%.


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US Department of Health and Human Services


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Cold is a common disease. Although it does not have much impact on the body, it can cause discomfort, especially for pregnant women, headaches, fever, cough, loss of appetite after a cold, and can not take medicine. It can only be treated by diet. . What is the pregnant woman who has a cold? Here are some recipes for diet therapy.

1, radish ginger juice


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We all know that for people who lose weight, they can't drink any beverages before going to bed, but some nutrients can actually help you build muscle, improve blood sugar stability, and burn fat.

    1, grape juice


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1, heat and heat to continue


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Soft shelled turtle is one of the most popular aquatic products in these years. Because of its meat quality, it has the taste of five kinds of animal meat, such as chicken, deer, ox, sheep and pig, so it has the name "gourmet five meat". As a result of the turtle flavor, the tonic effect of the United States and Canada is very good, and it is very popular with you all.

The turtle body is edible, especially the "Calipash" part is extremely delicious. Then how could the turtle be slaughtered? How to do the most nutritious and healthy? Hurry up and Xiaobian together to learn about it.


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Sixty, also called clam, mango lo, living in shallow sea. With the development of the transportation industry, it is not difficult to meet the seafood class in the inland areas. The seafood market can be bought at any time.

Sixty belongs to shellfish soft animal, usually the shells were tightly closed, it should be 60 how to wash to clean? I usually eat more also need to pay attention to what? Let's get together.


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